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General Dentistry

Our General Dentistry services are here to ensure your smile shines brightly. 

Elevating Smiles with Our Comprehensive Dental Care

At Marsh Family Dental, we believe in the power of a welcoming smile, and our General Dentistry services are here to ensure your smile shines brightly. With a focus on preventive care, expert treatment, and a commitment to your well-being, our team is dedicated to keeping your oral health in optimal condition. Discover the warmth and professionalism that await you in our caring hands as we work together to pave the way for a brighter, healthier life.

We offer a wide array of services to cater to your unique dental needs. Our comprehensive range of services includes:

  • Preventative Dentistry

    Good dental preventative care is really important to ensure a healthy mouth, including your gums and teeth.

    It is important to brush your teeth at least twice daily to help remove plaque and food particles that get stuck to your teeth. It is recommended that you brush your teeth for two minutes (or longer), though most people rush through this time. You need to make sure that you reach every side of each tooth, including the inside and outside. To help keep your breath fresh, you should also brush your tongue. Then, you can begin flossing.

  • Dental Cleanings And Exams

    Having a dental practice perform a checkup and regular cleaning gives a preventive approach to dental care. These general dentistry treatments help prevent problems with your teeth, gums and jaw bones, or they catch and manage problems before they worsen. During your visit, our doctors will take a picture of the current standing of your dental health and what would be needed to keep your oral hygiene in its best state.

  • Teeth Whitening

    A common request we receive is how to make a smile whiter and brighter. This is a relatively simple and quick treatment option that can be performed periodically. Certain foods and beverages, such as wine and coffee, stain the teeth and contribute to discoloration. The teeth whitening process provides a solution that lightens the shade of the teeth. Additionally, the process actually rids the teeth of plaque and tartar that tend to lead to dental problems.

  • Fillings

    Composite fillings act as a dentistry solution for problems such as tooth decay or cracks. A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. This procedure is also utilized for cosmetic improvements of the smile by fixing any discoloration or reshaping any disfigured teeth.

  • Root Canals

    Root canals are needed when decay and bacteria spread for too long without treatment. At a certain point, this decay makes it to the pulp inside the tooth. This pulp includes nerves; therefore, infection generally causes a lot of pain. Since this is happening on the inside of the tooth, you won't necessarily see the damage. Instead, you could feel it through pain and notice other signs that include bleeding, swelling, and bad breath.

  • Dentures Digital Scans

    An intraoral scanner is a handheld device used to directly create digital impression data of the oral cavity. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

  • Analog Impressions

    Are the hand-crafted dentures that are made of a flesh-colored acrylic base that fits securely over the gums and restorative teeth. 

  • Custom Smile Designs

    Smile Design Treatment is a cosmetic treatment that focuses on improving the appearance of your smile through certain procedures such as dental veneers, composite bonding, teeth whitening, and tooth implants.

  • Extractions

    An extraction is performed to remove a tooth, whether because of disease, crowding, or damage. When extractions are required, the area around the tooth will be numbed and your dentist will remove the tooth. A small amount of bleeding is normal, as your mouth will replace the removed tooth root by forming a blood clot in the area.

  • Crowns

    Crowns are a way of protecting teeth that are weak or have been broken. They also help improve the appearance of teeth that are irregularly shaped or stained.
    Gold crowns: A gold crown is a dental restoration that covers a damaged or weakened tooth.
    It's like a protective cap made from a special type of metal, usually gold or a gold alloy. The crown is custom-made to fit your tooth perfectly. Dentists use gold crowns because they are strong, durable, and can withstand the forces of biting and chewing. They're an excellent choice for teeth at the back of your mouth, where the pressure is the highest. Gold crowns may not look like your natural teeth, but they do an excellent job of preserving and protecting a tooth that might otherwise be too weak or damaged to function properly.
    Zirconia crown: A zirconia crown is a type of dental crown that's used to repair and protect a damaged or weakened tooth. It's made from a strong tooth-colored material called zirconia. Zirconia is a very durable and natural-looking material that can withstand the daily wear and tear of your teeth.
    Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown is a dental restoration that combines the strength of a metal base with the natural look of porcelain. It's used to repair and protect a damaged tooth. The metal base provides durability, while the outer porcelain layer gives it a natural appearance that closely matches your other teeth. This type of crown is a versatile option for both front and back teeth. Your dentist may recommend it when you need a strong and aesthetically pleasing solution to restore your tooth's function and appearance.

  • TMJ

    At Marsh Family Dental, we are proud to offer treatment for temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ, to provide our patients with relief. TMJ is caused by inflammation within the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull.
    What are the symptoms of TMJ?TMJ causes pain and discomfort along the jaw point and can make it painful to move or operate your jaw.
    Jaw pain doesn’t always equate to TMJ, but if you are experiencing headaches, difficulty chewing, or pain in the jaw, face, and ear, it is highly likely that you are suffering from TMJ.
    While at-home treatments and over-the-counter pain relievers can help with some symptoms, we recommend seeking medical diagnosis and treatment from a dentist. We will identify the cause of your pain and work with you to find the best treatment plan that will help you feel better as soon as possible.

  • Implants

    Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials, typically titanium, that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to provide a strong and permanent foundation for replacement teeth. These implants serve as anchors for various dental prostheses, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures, allowing them to function and appear like natural teeth. Dental implants offer a long-lasting and reliable solution for individuals with missing teeth, improving their oral function, aesthetics, and overall quality of life.
    DENTURE VS IMPLANT DENTUREDenture and denture implants are two different solutions for replacing missing teeth, and they have some key differences:
    Denture:Removable: Dentures are removable dental appliances that are designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth or a partial set of missing teeth. Support: They rely on the surrounding oral tissues (gums) and, in the case of partial dentures, remaining natural teeth for support and stability.Maintenance: Dentures require regular removal for cleaning and may need to be relined or replaced over time due to changes in the jawbone structure.Cost: Generally, traditional dentures are a more cost-effective option compared to denture implants. Procedure: The process of getting dentures typically involves taking impressions of the mouth and crafting the dentures to fit properly.
    Denture Implant (Implant-Supported Denture):Fixed or Removable: Denture implants can be either fixed (permanent) or removable, depending on the type of attachment used.Support: They are anchored securely to dental implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone. Dental implants provide strong support, stability, and retention for the denture.Functionality: Implant-supported dentures function more like natural teeth, allowing for better chewing and speech compared to traditional dentures.Maintenance: Implant-supported dentures are easier to maintain and clean because they can beremoved and reattached.Cost: Denture implants are generally more expensive than traditional dentures due to the surgical procedure and the cost of dental implants.Procedure: Getting implant-supported dentures involves oral surgery to place the dental implants and a healing period before the denture can be attached.
    In summary, dentures are removable appliances that rely on the mouth's natural structures for support, while denture implants are secured by dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone, offering greater stability and functionality. The choice between dentures and denture implants depends on factors such as budget, personal preference, and the patient's overall dental health. Denture implants are often preferred for their enhanced stability and comfort, but they involve a more complex and costly process.

  • 3D Predict Ortho

    No more metal bracket braces!

    3D Predict is a high-tech clear aligner system that uses smart Al to create custom treatment plans. It guides your teeth as they gradually shift to their desired position according to your treatment plan provided by Dr. Marsh.

  • Teeth Extractions

    Teeth extractions are dental procedures in which a dentist removes a tooth from your mouth.

    This may be necessary for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, gum disease, overcrowding, or impacted wisdom teeth. The process is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure you feel little to no pain during the procedure. Your dentist will use specialized instruments to remove the tooth gently and carefully from its socket. Afterward, you may experience some discomfort and swelling, but your dentist will provide instructions for post-extraction care, which may include pain management and guidance on eating and oral hygiene.

    The goal of a tooth extraction is to relieve pain, prevent further dental problems, and improve your oral health.

  • Bone Grafts

    A bone graft is a surgical procedure to augment or repair the bone in your jaw. It's often necessary when the bone has been lost due to tooth extraction, gum disease, trauma, or other reasons. Bone grafting involves adding bone material (which can be synthetic, donated, or your own) to the deficient area. This new bone serves as a scaffold for your body's natural bone to grow and regenerate. The procedure is typically done under anesthesia for your comfort. After the surgery, there may be some swelling and discomfort, but your dentist will guide you through the recovery process.

    The purpose of a bone graft is to provide a stable foundation for dental implants, improve the fit of dentures, and restore the health and function of your jawbone.

    Your dentist will discuss the specific reasons for these procedures, as well as the benefits, risks, and post-operative care, to ensure you have a clear understanding of what to expect.

  • Occlusal Adjustment

    An occlusal adjustment, also known as a bite adjustment, is a simple dental procedure to ensure that your teeth come together properly when you bite or chew. During the procedure, your dentist will carefully reshape or smooth the biting surfaces of your teeth to create a more balanced and comfortable bite.

    This can help alleviate issues like teeth grinding, jaw pain, and uneven wear on your teeth. It's a quick and painless way to enhance your oral comfort and prevent dental problems caused by an uneven bite. We will make sure your bite feels natural and comfortable after the adjustment.

Marsh Family Dental General Dentistry Services

At Marsh Family Dental, we believe in the power of a welcoming smile, and our General Dentistry services are here to ensure your smile shines brightly. With a focus on preventive care, expert treatment, and a commitment to your well-being, our team is dedicated to keeping your oral health in optimal condition. Discover the warmth and professionalism that await you in our caring hands as we work together to pave the way for a brighter, healthier life.


We offer a wide array of services to cater to your unique dental needs. Our comprehensive range of services includes:

Preventative Dentistry

Good dental preventative care is really important to ensure a healthy mouth, including your gums and teeth.

It is important to brush your teeth at least twice daily to help remove plaque and food particles that get stuck to your teeth. It is recommended that you brush your teeth for two minutes (or longer), though most people rush through this time. You need to make sure that you reach every side of each tooth, including the inside and outside. To help keep your breath fresh, you should also brush your tongue. Then, you can begin flossing.

Preventative dentistry near me
Dental cleanings near me

Dental Cleanings And Exams

Having a dental practice perform a checkup and regular cleaning gives a preventive approach to dental care. These general dentistry treatments help prevent problems with your teeth, gums and jaw bones, or they catch and manage problems before they worsen. During your visit, our doctors will take a picture of the current standing of your dental health and what would be needed to keep your oral hygiene in its best state.

Teeth Whitening

A common request we receive is how to make a smile whiter and brighter. This is a relatively simple and quick treatment option that can be performed periodically. Certain foods and beverages, such as wine and coffee, stain the teeth and contribute to discoloration. The teeth whitening process provides a solution that lightens the shade of the teeth. Additionally, the process actually rids the teeth of plaque and tartar that tend to lead to dental problems.

Teeth whitening near me
Dental fillings in danvers


Composite fillings act as a dentistry solution for problems such as tooth decay or cracks. A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. This procedure is also utilized for cosmetic improvements of the smile by fixing any discoloration or reshaping any disfigured teeth.

Root Canals

Root canals are needed when decay and bacteria spread for too long without treatment. At a certain point, this decay makes it to the pulp inside the tooth. This pulp includes nerves; therefore, infection generally causes a lot of pain. Since this is happening on the inside of the tooth, you won't necessarily see the damage. Instead, you could feel it through pain and notice other signs that include bleeding, swelling, and bad breath.

Root Canal Therapy near me

Dentures Digital Scans

An intraoral scanner is a handheld device used to directly create digital impression data of the oral cavity. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

Analog Impressions

Are the hand-crafted dentures that are made of a flesh-colored acrylic base that fits securely over the gums and restorative teeth. 


We're here to answer your questions and book your next appointment.